Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wednesday morning

Max had an o.k. night. He came out of recovery about 9:00 PM, and started crying as soon as he saw me. Poor little buddy.... He settled down, but around 10:30 the regular Oxycontin and Tylenol combo wasn't doing the trick anymore, so we put him on a morphine drip. He was in and out all night. Thankfully, Carolyn stayed in the hospital with us, and that made all the difference. We also had a hospital bed, not a crib this time, which allowed me to lie right next to him. He eventually ended up on top of me, and took little cat naps.

Now it's around 9:30 and he's sleeping again. He doesn't look as swollen as he did after his first surgery, but all of the swelling is on the inside of his mouth this time. We are hoping not to have to spend another night in the hospital and to go home later this afternoon. We'll see, but so far, so good.


Shep said...

I'm so glad the little guy is doing ok! Best wishes and prayers to you both!

Unknown said...

Talked with Louisa last night. She gave me the information to follow along. Max is on our prayer list as are you. Blessings!