Saturday, August 6, 2011

Its REALLY hot!

Wow, I am just boiling, and Dummy over here decides to bake banana bread in the middle of the day.  It better be worth it! Both Max and my bedroom are air-conditioned, and I moved the majority of his toys in his bedroom yesterday, so at least when he's home, he has a cool place to be.  Luis, Carolyn's helper, also hung a cool chair from the ceiling, and Max loves to swing, hide and climb all over that thing. Very fun.

I have a maid. Yes, I do! Laura is 18 (!!) and comes from a part of Panama that is about 1hour outside of the city. It's amazing to have someone to clean and help you cook, and basically be at your side the whole time. If I want her to play with Max, off she goes. Or maybe, she prepares dinner so I can play with Max. It's also o.k. to take your maid to a playdate for them to take care of your kids while you actually get to talk to the parents.  We did that last night, and it was more of a "normal" play date than one might think. The ratio of child to adults was higher for the adults, though, which was funny!

Max really likes Laura, and over this week has become quite attached. I feel good leaving him with her and can tell that they are quite the pair. He keeps asking why Laura doesn't eat when we eat, and why he can't eat in her room!! That part is hard for me. You entrust them to take care of your kids and basically be part of your home, but the lines of separation are very strong. Laura caught me doing dishes the other day, and the look on her face ... :)

AND here's the bad part, Laura is leaving again because she has a 3 month old baby that is being taken care of by her mom. She thought she would be able to work, but then changed her mind. I feel so bad for Max who has needed to make so many new adjustments, but he will adjust again to someone else.  Carolyn and her friend Ericka (also my language coach!!) already found a new nanna, Anna, who will start tomorrow.

You usually don't advertise here, you basically just ask around.  So we were lucky that someone else was available because Max only goes to school half day, and is home with the nanny after 12:00.  It'll take some time to adjust but it will be so worth it in the end.

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