Monday, August 8, 2011

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

We have a new nanny, Anna, who is 20 years old, and very nice. Today was her first true day, so my friend, Tuty, and I came home from work early and helped orient her. Tuty was great as she is Panamanian, and knew exactly what to say to Anna in order for her to feel comfortable. This language barrier really sucks, and I'm really hoping to up my game in this area. But Anna is patient and speaks slowly, both of which help a great deal.

It's been amazing to watch Max get used to another new person. He likes Anna as well, and maybe it's just obvious how much he has had different people in his life taking care of him. He trusts her, isn't shy or hesitant, stays with her without complaining, and is basically happy to have he around. I'm so impressed; o.k., maybe I'm a little biased too!!

While Carolyn and I were driving to pick up Anna, the power steering in my new used car went out. That's the second thing that went wrong with this car in the last two weeks, so I basically gave the car back for a full refund. So that's been a bummer, but, as luck would have it, one of the owners of the school, Maggie, has a car that she ca loan me for a while so I have more time to look for one without having to rely on Carolyn to cart me around everywhere. I know it'll all workout! But that damn car seat is heavy, and I'm sick of trying to keep track of a different set of keys!! :)

I've been trying to sink my teeth into work, but am currently without a work computer. My official title is Director of Strategic Development, but at this point, I am still trying to find my way around campus. I did spend some time in 2nd grade last week, which was so fun, and I hope to do more of that this week.

It's wonderful to hear from our family and friends, so please keep the emails, phone calls coming. We're really not that far away!!

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