Friday, January 30, 2009

Beijing Day 1

Hello Everyone,

Our first day in Beijing was great fun. We were up early, took a walk on empty streets, then met our guide at 9:00. We drove to the east entrance of the Forbidden City,and toured the compound. THis place is HUGE!! Outer courts, inner courts, over 9000 rooms, secret passages, lots of traditions, and so much more! It was also very crowded since Chinese New Year is still in full swing, but people kind of just rolled with it. I have to laugh, because obviously both Car and I are two tall caucasian women walking amongst everyone. I can't tell you how many times Car has been asked to be part of a picture, or how people stare when we walk in. It's like in the movie "My Cousin Vinny" - oh yeah, we blend!! :)

It is so incredible to think that we are finally here! It catches me off guard a lot. We might be listenting to our guide, and all of a sudden I am jolted back to the reality that soon soon soon I'll be bringing Max home. We are certainly enjoying this part, but the best is yet to come!


WeirdoWardo said...

So glad you made it over there so easily! the pictures are great! Looks like winter, hope you stay warm. Will miss you at the board dinner tonight but you will be having way more fun and excitement. take care Steve

Karen Kasameyer said...

Hi Jessi!

I love your pictures..are those people skating at the Summer Palace? I am obsessed with your blog, can't wait to hear about Max!