Monday, February 2, 2009


Wow, it's been so long since I've wanted to write this blog entry. We are sitting in our dark hotel room with last minute NEw Year fireworks going off in the distance, and there is a baby sleeping in the cribnext to my bed. What an amzing day.

It all started out with meeting Michael to sign some papers, exchange mucho dinero, and go to the bank to make the $$ transfer to the orphanage. Then we had to wait. Car and I played cards... we never play cards, but today we did.

Then, at 1:30, Michael picked us up again and we drove about 20 minutes to the Civil Affairs Burea, went to the 8th floor, stepped out of the elevator, and there they were, the owner of the orphanage, the care-taker and Max, waiting for us in the lobby. In my mind, I had imagined it to be so much more ceremonial, but it was very simple. No crying baby, no drama as I'm reaching for the baby, no sobbing care-taker. It was all very cordial, and happy and efficient.
We all sat down in this lobby (we were the only ones adopting at that time), and started talking to the owner and the care-taker. It turns out that they had had a long ride on the train, and that Max has a slight cold. I put Car in charge of taking pictures/videos, and we had made a list of questions to ask the care-taker. Since we had Michael there to translate, all the questioning went great. We found out basic things, like how he was abandoned, who gave him his Chinese name (the owner: his name means "strength"), his medical history (no allergies, has received all of his shots, his schedule, etc. We got out "family picture" taken, the director got her picture taken with Max, and that was it! THe whole thing took about 40 minutes.
"So, Jess, what'd you do today?" "Oh, I got a baby... how about you?"

We went to the hotel, undressed the Little Dude, and gave him a bath. Not his favorite thing, but he took it all in. Then we walked and walked and walked, up the room, down the room, up the room, down the room. He did not like it when I sat down. Once he fell asleep in my arms did I sit down, and we had some quiet time. When he woke up, we walked some more. He's fascinated by the mirrors in our room, so that kept us entertained for a while. By this time, Car had fallen asleep (she has been working really hard keeping me afloat!!), so we had some more quiet time, which was just fine by me.

By 6:00 Car and I were quite hungry, so we got ready for our first outing. Diaper change: check. Bottle: check. Toy: check. Baby sling: check!! In fact, once Max was in the sling, he came alive. It was so cute. He became a lot more interactive, and relaxed a little (his little body had been so stiff up to this point). We went down to the restaurant, and Max began to charm the entire wait staff, who, of course, quite rightfully so, ooohed and aaaahed all over him!! It was great. We went back upstairs, Max took a bottle, another diaper change, read some books, and now he's sleeping.
So here I sit, in a dark room with my best friend and my baby sleeping!! It doesn't get much better than this!

But let's wait to see what our night will be like. :)
I am ready.

Enjoy some pictures!


Karen Kasameyer said...

Oh my god he is so adorable!! So cute and he looks so sweet all cuddled in next to you. Congratulations Mommy! Sounds like your first day was great...hope the night went well too!

Anonymous said...

AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME!!! You guys look like you're made for each other! Many blessings to the new family! I'll pray for a peaceful night.

Anonymous said...

I'm sobbing here at my desk in the back of my classroom! I can't wait to hear about the rest of your adventures in China!!

Unknown said...

Jessi you have a beautiful baby boy. Congratulations and Mazal tov! It sounds like you are doing great. Stay safe and take care of the newest member of your family. Sleep well, Mom, Tia and Max.

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Maya can't wait to meet her new cousin. Jessi he is adorable and he looks very happy and content in his mami's arms. Say hi to Car!!
Daniela and Maya

Anonymous said...

Jessi, I am so happy for you! I, too, am sitting here weeping with joy! Max is a very blessed little Angel and I hope we can meet him sometime! All of my love and thank you for starting this blog that brings me happiness on a cold Seattle Monday :) Claudia

Anonymous said...

My heart is full of joy for you and your beautiful son. I hope we get to meet Max on the trail ; -)

Anonymous said...

Amazing. You two look wonderful together. Congratulations! Get some rest. Hope to see you both soon.

Anonymous said...

Oh my, Jessi, congratulations to you and Max! I loved reading about your first day together and seeing the pictures. I am so moved by your strength and courage
and by Max's good fortune to have you as his mother.
I send you all my Max's and my good wishes for a sweet first night together. I'm so happy for you both, and so pleased that everything is going well. Can't wait to meet the next most adorable MAX! I send you a big comradely hug!
Cathy S.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to motherhood, Jessi! The tears are flowing here in CT as well. I'm so thrilled for both of you. The photos are priceless. Hope the rest of your trip goes as smoothly as today!

Anonymous said...

Jessi, you are a natural! All of my friends here in MI have seen your photos with Max-what a great day! How lucky to have Car by your side, especially to capture each moment for you. Max is a lucky boy!
Stay well-Lesley

Anonymous said...

Wow Mama Jessi, you two look so natural together! We thoroughly enjoyed reading of your adventures and, most especially, about your first day with your son. Here's to a good sleeper! Safe travels with your wonderful boy.
-Phoebe, David & Sarah