Saturday, April 25, 2009

Watching TV on Saturday Night....

I kid you not, just a day after I found out Max's surgery will be on Tuesday, there was a infomercial/fund raising show about cleft lips and palates. This particular show was put on by Operation Smile, but many of us have heard of additional organizations, such as the Smile Train. Both organizations are amazing, in that their doctors voluntarily go to third world countries and perform cleft lip and palate surgeries on thousands of needy children.

There I was, crying like a baby. Of course I'm nervous about Tuesday, but I was also struck how lucky Max and I are to live in this environment where such surgeries are almost a given. Many of the children I saw in this video suffered tremendous social ostracism and traveled hundreds of miles to be chosen for this surgery. I'm sure you can imagine the difference these surgeries make in these children's lives. It's truly fantastic.

So, as you're thinking about Max on Tuesday for his first surgery, I'm asking you to also think about these children who have it much harder than Max, and who depend on these volunteer organizations to change their lives. I hope you'll join me and make a donation (of any size!!) to one (or both) of these organizations. Max's fellow cleft lip/palate pals will thank you for not letting this facial deformity interfere with the opportunity to have a normal life.

Here they are again:
Operation Smile
Smile Train

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